Yoga Classes
I teach at
Currently my regular classes are
In Kreuzberg/Online (Oranienstr. 25)
Wednesdays 6.15 p.m. Jivamukti Open (95 min, English)
Fridays 4:15 p.m. Jivamukti Open Medium (75 min, German)
Fridays 6:15 p.m. Jivamukti Open (95 min, English)
Saturdays 2.00 p.m. Jivamukti Basic (95 min, German)
Saturdays 3:45 p.m. Jivamukti Open(60) (60 min, German)
Also available as a stream on
For information on yoga privates please get in contact

Yoga Anatomy
Understanding human anatomy and biomechanics is of great help for yoga teachers as well as yoga practitioners, as hands-on assists can be carried out in a more targeted and secure manner and your own practice becomes more efficient. The workshops consist of a balance between theory and practice and can be tailored to individual requirements. In addition to an overview workshop "Yoga anatomy for beginners", specific workshops such as "Focus on the spine / shoulders / psoas / ..." are also possible.
For more information / inquiries, please contact me

Yoga For

After a dance career of over 10 years (Dansgroep Amsterdam, Scapino Ballet Rotterdam, Punchdrunk London, etc.) I retrained to become a yoga teacher and osteopath. In the 20/21 season I was a regular guest teacher at the Berlin State Ballet. Through my experience and knowledge, I can design yoga lessons that are specially tailored to the needs of dancers. The body is stretched and strengthened at the same time in the rhythm of the breath and the calming of the nervous system offers a balance for the stressful professional life of the dancers.
For more information and inquiries, please contact take up